Thursday, May 21, 2020

##txt A Comparison Of Facebooks Deeptext - 982 Words

Facebook’s DeepText is a close resemblance of Google’s NMT(Neural Machine Translation). Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is an end-to-end learning approach for automated translation, with the potential to overcome many of the weaknesses of conventional phrase-based translation systems. Unfortunately, NMT systems are known to be computationally expensive both in training and in translation inference – sometimes prohibitively so in the case of very large data sets and large models. Several authors have also charged that NMT systems lack robustness, particularly when input sentences contain rare words. These issues have hindered NMT’s use in practical deployments and services, where both accuracy and speed are essential. In this work, we†¦show more content†¦In practice, however, NMT systems used to be worse in accuracy than phrase-based translation systems, especially when training on very large-scale datasets as used for the very best publicly ava ilable translation systems. Three inherent weaknesses of Neural Machine Translation are responsible for this gap: its slower training and inference speed, ineffectiveness in dealing with rare words, and sometimes failure to translate all words in the source sentence. Firstly, it generally takes a considerable amount of time and computational resources to train an NMT system on a large-scale translation dataset, thus slowing the rate of experimental turnaround time and innovation. For inference they are generally much slower than phrase-based systems due to the large number of parameters used. The model architecture of GNMT, Google’s Neural Machine Translation system. On the left is the encoder network, on the right is the decoder network, in the middle is the attention module. The bottom encoder layer is bi-directional: the pink nodes gather information from left to right while the green nodes gather information from right to left. The other layers of the encoder are uni-directional. Residual connections start from the layer third from the bottom in the encoder and decoder. The model is partitioned into multiple GPUs to speed up training. In

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